Step 1 :- Right Click Test Plan>Add>Threads (Users) > Thread Group and Set Values as Number of Threads as 100, Ramp-Up Period as 2 and Loop Count value as 3. Lets create a property file as given below. JMeter Loop Controller Test Plan We will see that each sampler is executed 2 times as this is the number that we configured in the Thread Group. "Increment" Where: Number of threads define the number of Users. Let's walk through the differences. How to Use JMeter for Performance & Load Testing Step 1) Add Thread Group. Thread Group 1 - Hotel Search will have thread count as 400 users, Thread Group 2 - New User Registration will have 100 Users, Thread Group 3 - User Login & Compare Hotels will have 200 Users, Thread Group 4 - User Login & Book Hotel will have 200 Users & Thread Group 5 - Cancel Booking will have . The Thread Group Control Panel includes: Itsname. See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for more information on Beanshell . If we now replace our static Loop Count value in the Thread Group to use our ITERATION_COUNT Property. In JMeter Thread Group you can use Ram Up Period (In Seconds) field to calculate how many request you want to send to server. JMeter will parse the CSV file and populate those . # Anonymous User - Product Search group1.usercount=10 group1.rampup=10 group1.duration=600 # New User Registration group2 . Each thread will start 1 second (10 divided by 10) after the previous thread was begun. 3 Answers Sorted by: 1 Use the field "Number of Threads" to set as many threads as required for your load test (eg. If I understand it correctly, the sampler should only run once . If you set the value to 0, then JMeter will immediately start all of your users. Loop Controller in Apache JMeter. Now click on add which shows many options following Thread then select thread now we can find the Thread group option. If you enter a loop count value of 1, then JMeter will run your test only once. Jmeter1001TPS TPSTPS JMeter Loop Controller If we take a Test Plan that manages the loop count using the Thread Group. Thread Iterations Limit: 1. In other words, the loops run sequentially inside the thread group. Loop count (How many times the test should be looped). Percent Execution - This selection will make Jmeter execute only a certain percentage of total iterations for Samplers placed under this controller. In the same way, add one more HTTP Request and then add one more link in the path. Re: Thread Group \"Loop Count\" Not Working in Jmeter. Launch JMeter in your system. Hold Target Rate Time (sec): 1. Now we determine what JMeter elements in this test. For example, if you have 100 users with a ramp-up period of 50 seconds, JMeter will take 50 seconds to get all 100 threads running, adding 2 threads per second. You can also check the "Per User" checkbox to control this at a user level. Then, add the Stepping Thread Group from the Test Plan. Finally, select the thread group. Create another HTTP Request and then I am going to add UiPath Link as shown below. You can select the checkbox 'Forever' if you want to threads to run as the checkbox suggests. Ramp-Up Steps Count: 0. The number of threads for each group can be set using the settings for a thread group. Add Thread Group to the Test Plan and then add HTTP Request Sampler and entering the Website address in the HTTP Request as shown below. In the select test plan and give a right-click, you can see a lot of options following add. 100). This property tells JMeter how many times to repeat your test. b. In your case, that is set to 0. Multiple threads are used to simulate concurrent connections to your server application. 06-23-2011, 01:29 AM #3. pratik98293. The fundamental part of a JMeter testing plan is a thread group. 1 Answer. A typical type of circle is the counting circle, in which the circle rehashes a proper number of times. Therefore, total iterations are 50. . Define the JMeter Counter Define a Counter inside the Loop Controller and configure it as follows. We can launch the Thread Group in JMeter by following the path- Right Click on Test Plan-> Hover over Threads (Users)-> Click Thread Group Thread Group Properties We can use the getIteration() function to get the thread loop count in properties and also in shell. Basically, loop count means we can set the number of iterations for every user as per our requirement. We have multiple thread groups in our test plan. a. in property ${__BeanShell(vars.getIteration();,)} This is an immediate stop interrupting: current running threads current running samplers For each thread, invoke: JMeterThread.stop () - set stop flag JMeterThread.interrupt () - interrupt sampler Thread.interrupt () - interrupt JVM thread. For instance, with 5 users and 5 second Ramp-Up . JMeter provides different types of functions to the user, in which that loop count is one of the functions that is provided by the JMeter. Ramp-Up Period Defines how long it will take JMeter to get all threads running. Remove the loop controller called 'Step 1'. In essence, every thread imitates a single authentic user request to the server. Add JMeter elements Add HTTP request default to Finally enter a value of 2 in the Loop Count field. Number of threads: 10, Ramp-Up period: 10 seconds and Loop Count: 1 means that JMeter will take 10 seconds to get all the 10 threads up and running. Scheduler checkbox Once selected, the Scheduler Configuration section appears at the bottom of the control panel. Thread Group element helps to define a performance test scenario in JMeter. The Thread Count and The Loop Counts are different. Here's another example from the JMeter Thread Group user manual: The different types of Samplers like HTTP requests are added as child of these Thread Group elements to simulate the requests made by users to the server. Adding Loop Controller Right Click Thread Group -> Logic Controller -> Loop Controller Step 2) Configuring Loop Controller Add value 50 to Loop Count field as below figure. Ramp-up time (how much time you want to allow the Thread Group to go from 0 to 3 users). 1. The setUp Thread Group consists of a CSV Data Set Config with a reference to the CSV file containing the list of users to register (first name, last name and email address) In our example, we send the registration request with 3 variables: "firstName", "lastName" and "emailAddress". Ramp-Up Period tells JMeter how long to Step 2) Adding JMeter elements. How to download 'Concurrency Thread Group' plug-in? Inside the thread group there is one sampler that perfoms a query. Add a Loop Controller and set the "Loop Count" to 5 2. JMeter Loop Controller View Results Tree Number of threads (the number of users you are testing). "Start" This is initial counter value, let's make it 1. As shown in the image below: Components of Thread Group The Thread Group Panel holds the following components 1) Action to be taken after a Sampler Error Start JMeter Select Test Plan on the tree Add Thread Group Open the thread group panel by Right Click on Test Plan and then going to Add >> Threads >> Thread Group. Each Thread Group has their own loop count. Click on the link to download Concurrency Thread Group JMeter Plugin Unzip the folder Copy the file jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-<version>.jar to lib folder of Apache JMeter apache-jmeter-<version> ->lib -> Paste jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-<version>.jar That's where Looping comes into the picture. I am setting up a Concurrency Thread Group with thse parameters: Target Concurrency: 1. The ramp-up period which is the number of seconds that JMeter will take to create all 'n' threads gradually instead of starting the system with 'n' threads in one go. If i put 10 in the number of threads and loop count of 10 Assuming you use a UserDefinedVariables element with the 10 accounts each as a variable value, the two approaches you outline should indeed reuse the accounts and behave functionally equivalently. Loop Count Defines the number of times to execute the test. Loop Count: It is the number of executions for the script. Ramp-up Period defines the time period where all user must be started. To have JMeter repeatedly run your Test Plan, select the Forever checkbox. Number of threads: 10, Ramp-Up period: 10 seconds and Loop Count: 1 means that JMeter will take 10 seconds to get all the 10 threads up and running. (If you leave it blank, the Counter will start from zero.) props.put("ITERATION_COUNT", testSequence.size().toString()); And finally assign the size of the testSequence array to a JMeter Property called ITERATION_COUNT. Replace Static Loop Count In Scenario 1, 10 threads are used, and the ramp-up period is 10 seconds, so JMeter will take 10 seconds to get all 10 threads up and running. As implied by the name, a thread group consists of a number of threads that are working on the same situation. In Thread Group GUI, you can control the number of simulated users (threads), the ramp-up time (how long it takes to start all the threads), the loop count (or iteration count, and optionally, a start and stop time for the test. . vars - shorthand to JMeterVariables class which holds current JMeter variables. The first loop is done, then the second loop will run, and after the second loop ended, the third loop will run, and so on. Add Inter-Thread Communication PreProcessor as a child of the sampler of the Driver thread group and read the value from the FIFO queue into a JMeter Variable This way Driver Thread Group will wait the data from the User Thread Group, you can normally configure as many loops as needed on Thread Group level. to jmeter-plugins. If i put 100 in the number of threads and a loop count of 1 2. Scheduler Configuration You can configure the start and end time of running the test. 100. Loop Count: You can set the number of iterations for each user in the group using Loop Count. The field "Loop Count" is used to set the number of times each thread should run for eg. First, install Customer Thread Groups from the JMeter Plugins Manager. The Thread Group tells JMeter: the number of users (called threads) you want to simulate , how often the users should send requests, and how many requests they should send. For Example, Thread Group is configured to have 10 users and loop count is 5. Let's look at the following scenario: 1,000 threads as target load 0 seconds waiting after the test starts 0 threads run at the immediate beginning of the test When your aim is to maintain the duration of execution, you can simply click "infinite" option for Loop Count under Thread Group and specify thread lifetime in seconds. Try increasing it. Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers This element can be added by Step 3) How to control the duration of each thread group in JMeter? Stop thread called threadName: stop JMeter thread interrupt JMeter thread interrupt underlying thread. You can easily define the Loop count under Thread Group and all the requests will be executed (Thread Count*Loop Count) times. Please follow below . You can do it like $ {__BeanShell (vars.getIteration ();,)} where: __Beanshell - JMeter function allowing execution of arbitrary Beanshell script. Ramp Up Time (sec): 0. We will be passing thread group user count, ramp-up period, thread group duration information via property files to the test. Each thread will start after 1 (10/10) second after the previous thread had begun. For example, if the loop count is 2 and number of threads is 100 then the script will run 200 times. The loop count can be infinite and one can run concurrent threads for a specific amount of time by checking on Specify Thread Lifetime and adding Duration say 60 seconds. There are 2 options available: Use Counter test element to count loops Use __Beanshell function as ${__BeanShell(vars.getIteration(),)} where "vars" is a shorthand to JMeterVariables instance and.